Lift to drink the heaven's blue
Or when sun, veiled by sirocco,
Royal red sinks out of view –
Give to Nature praise and honor.
Blithe of heart and sound of eye,
Knowing for the world of colour
Where its broad foundations lie.
— Goethe
Rudolf Steiner's color theory was based upon the semi-scientific work of the poet Goethe's. I've been doing some reading on the matter recently, which has been interesting. My opinion remains somewhat uninformed at this time, so I might discuss this in greater detail at a future point when I have slightly more knowledge than reactive emotion.
I have had an interest in plant based dyeing for some while now. I maintain a garden in the summer, which brings me a lot of purpose and joy. My children enjoy helping with the garden, and my husband enjoys eating from it. Ultimately, I would like to add more plants that I can use for dye.
Feeling inspired, I dyed a playsilk using the marigolds from my African Marigold (which helped protect my tomatoes this summer from insects) and vinegar. I wanted a what Steiner would have considered a pure yellow, so I removed the stamens from the flowers before boiling them in a soup pot to extract the color. According to Steiner, yellow is a Spirit color. It doesn't take much to change it's color completely, when mixed with other shades. Yellow is both warm and joyous, words which describe well how my children will enjoy it.
Oh, Anne! I love this!